Saturday, 29 January 2000
Irish Centre, Pittsburgh

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 You gotta LOVE these clothes!  'Crossover'... the first DJ of the night.
 Some of the crowd movin' to Ryan Matthew!  This cool guy is Gavin and he was sitting next to us on the stage and was nice enough to let me get his pic... kinda like my friend, Mark, I think?!
 Josh with this INCREDIBLE girl Hope who we met at the party.  She and her friends made this party what it was!  Hope passing out candy early in the evening... isn't that great?!
 Hope taking a pic of me taking a pic of her.  Look at all those beads!  So this guy next to me on the stage asks me "Hey, how's my hair look?"  Since I had no mirror, but my digicam, I took his pic and showed him on the back.  What do YOU think?  :-)
 Josh and Mike... guess who was rolling and who wasn't yet?  Josh and this great girl Mindy, who LOVED my blue light and gave me my first beads... she was sooooo cool!  And so was Josh without his shirt, right?  ;-)
 Lori with Josh... think they could look happier, huh?  Look to the right!  THERE!  Much better, don't you think?!
 Mike and Hope before I told them I was gonna snap this pic... hmmmm.....  Ah, conscious!  That's MUCH better!  (This is like playing that compare-the-pictures game, isn't it?!)
 This is Mike looking up at all of us from lying on the floor.  By far the COOLEST pic of the night!  The guy on the left is this great guy Mikey I met at the party (he was the first boy to give me beads!) and the one in the centre is DJ Product 19.
 This is Ryan Matthew... the third DJ of the night!  He was INCREDIBLE!

 This is "Sweetie" who I've seen on the scris.com posting board... LOVE that leopard print!  woo-hoo!