Winter Music Conference
March 2001
Miami, Florida
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No lineup here... just picture every DJ in the entire world in
one city at the same time and you know what the WMC was like this
year. There was more talent in one place than anywhere else before!
These are just some of the shots I took. We went down to do lasers
for the events at the Ice Palace that were part of the conference.
I got to do lasers for Boy George during his set. Judge Jules
is simply incredible behind the decks and although he doesn't
tour much, someone should bring him to Pittsburgh. I've never
seen a DJ spin a 5 hour set before, but Victor Dinaire (from NY)
spun 5 beautiful hours of the most incredible trance... and to
a room basically filled only by me. I can't describe to you the
all of talent that I had the chance to see.
a way to spend the end of March! :-)