
Saturday, 09 December 2000
Neville Ice Arena (South Side), Pittsburgh PA
Maddraver Productions

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Line-up: Micro; X-Dream; Product 19; Rowland the Bastard; Zone; Clever; Cheshire; Bish; DJ Moose; MVP.
Note: This was a great party with a great vibe. Something I haven't seen here in awhile. That was a good thing. I'm finally glad to see that the Pittsburgh scene has come around and decided to let Maddraver show what can be done for a party. The only problem... COLD, COLD, COLD. Well, I guess you'll have that in an ice rink where the owner can't see fit to provide at least some heat for the place! I know that wasn't the fault of anyone in promotion... it's just the way it was. Maybe the venue owner thinks we can't do without him? I dunno. I guess we'll see at future events. The locker room area (downstairs) was SET-UP like I've never seen... kudos to all who managed to turn THAT space into the great place it was! Except for hoping for some heat, let's hope ALL the rest of the zodiac parties are as great as this one! BTW, there would have been more pics tonight, but I was not only working, but freezing! Actually, so were my cameras... they were acting up A LOT and pics were difficult. Many others were taken that I had to delete because the cameras didn't work correctly. SORRY!