
Saturday, 5 February 2000
Cleveland OH

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 Hope at Dancing Goats... the day after, but not forgotten, huh?!  :-)  Hope was having thoughts of the large goat sitting behind me.... ahem!
 Mike at Dancing Goats... daylight and well-lit... hmmmm...  Crowd.
 Hope and her tape recorder after we got through the Gestapo checkpoint at the door!  Hope taking a pic of me taking a pic of her... seen THIS one before?!  :-)
 Mike dancing his ass off!  Crowd.
 Crowd.  This was the first DJ of the night and he KICKED ASS!
 Just a really cool girl at the party... anyone know her name?  Crowd.
 Hope and I... what WAS wrong with me??!  ;-)  Dougie at his finest!
 It was HIS first party!  Can you tell?!  Mike in his really, really soft sweatshirt later in the night!
 This wins as the COOLEST pic of the night... taken by Hope... what ARE all those smoke, lights and lasers?

 This is Ashley... we started talking and then she disappeared.  :-(
 Mike and me... again, what the HELL was wrong with me?!  LOOK at those eyes!  ;-)  Mike and Cheyenne.
 Cheyenne kissing Mike... hmmmmm?!  :-)  Corey and Skywalker!  Skywalker (Cor-E) has a page too... the link is below!
 Cheynne, Skywalker and Corey!  Corey, Skywalker and Mike!
 DJ 7up -- he was FABULOUS!  DJ 7up mixing it away!

 You GOTTA love that hair!

 This guy LOVED those glowsticks... really tripped me out!

Click here to go to Skywalker (Cor-E's) Page